Monday, August 6, 2012

My First Few Days

The past few days have been sooo crazy. I didn't sleep at all on the plane because I was too excited, and I haven't really slept since then. I'm still not adjusted to the time zone, so I'm super tired during the day. I even fell asleep in my first Rotary meeting yesterday, hopefully they understand that I'm jetlagged.

Both my first host family and my counselor were out of town when my plane landed, so I was met at the airport by my 2nd family and Ninette, a member of my new Rotary Club. We got Starbucks, of all things, how American can you get? It was sooo nice to meet my 2nd family, though, they seem really nice and I can't wait to move in with them.

Ninette drove me out to her home in Taastrup, which is the town I'll be staying in this year. It's only a 15 minute drive from Copenhagen, but it doesn't feel urban at all. When we toured around the town the next day it was so cute! The old part of town feels so European and everything was just so nice.

My first night there Ninette had a bunch of family over, including her two nephews who are my age, so it was cool to be able to talk to them. We watched Denmark play Croatia in handball, which was pretty painful because they lost. Then we had a delicious Danish dinner, which I didn't get to enjoy that much because I had no appetite from all the excitement. Then we just sat around and talked for a while. Danish humor is so confusing, I can never tell when they're being serious or not!

The next day, my counselor picked me up to go stay with him in Copenhagen for a week. We've just been relaxing a lot since I got here, and it's been really nice. Today if the weather's nice, he said that he'd take me into the center of Copenhagen and show me around, so let's hope it doesn't rain!

1 comment:

  1. Danish humor? You should meet my brother John. One minute he is talking about some serious subject and next thing you know in the same tone of voice he is pulling your chain. So that is where he got this nack for not knowing when to belive his deliberations.
