Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I spent the last two days in Copenhagen, which was amazing! It's such a cute city, small enough that you can basically easily walk to everything. One of the main streets, Strøget, is a pedestrian only street for the purpose of shopping. I bought a couple of pairs of pants at H&M, spending almost all of my money. Denmark is expensive!

We also went to Nyhavn. It was so weird to actually be there, instead of looking at pictures of it like I've been doing for the past six months. It helped make me realize that this year is finally a reality!

Near Nyhavn is the Queen's Castle and the Little Mermaid statue. The Queen's castle wasn't especially cool because she's in London and the church was closed. And we didn't walk far enough to go to the Little Mermaid, so that's something that I will need to do in the future!

We also walked to a little castle where the Crown Jewels are kept, but didn't go in because my counselor would have had to pay. When I went back today with my friend Cassidy, we meant to go but didn't have the  time. I'll need to go back and do that, too.

Today when Cassidy and I walked around we got very lost a couple of times, but that was okay because Copenhagen is so small. I can't wait until I've been here enough times that I actually know the city well enough to get around without getting lost!

We also took some city bikes, which are bikes that you pay 20 kroner to use, and get the money back when they are returned. It was fun to bike through the city, which EVERYONE does. It's so nice to bike in Denmark, because it's such a flat country. The bikers here get a little aggressive, though.

A very common sight in Copenhagen

Things I still want to do in Copenhagen:
-See the Little Mermaid
-See the Crown Jewels
-Go to TIVOLI! (We walked past it several times, it looks so fun!)
-Rent Kayaks and kayak through the canal
-Eat at a restaurant by Nyhavn (which I bet is quite expensive, anyone want to take me? ;) )

One nice thing I noticed about the restaurants in Denmark is that they put blankets out for you if you're sitting outside, because it's so cold. Det er hyggeligt!

I move in with my first host family on Saturday, so watch for a post about that!

Hej hej!

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