Friday, October 5, 2012


One thing that obviously comes with the package of being an exchange student is that you're going to change so much during your year. It's said that you mature 8-11 years during your exchange, and I believe it. When I landed in Denmark, I pictured myself as this little ball of clay, a completely new person ready to absorb a new culture and adjust to it accordingly. And in many ways I have. I hated meat back home, and love it here. I was scared of being alone back in Oregon, but find myself desperately wanting time to myself as I go through my year. I can feel myself growing up so fast, and it's terrifying. Looking at who I was back in July, and who I am now, I am almost two completely different people.

I just pictured that I would naturally change while I was on exchange. But while I am naturally changing, there's a lot of changes that I have to physically make myself. It's really nice, I have this year off where I can reflect on who I am and who I want to be, and really work on moving myself in that direction. I'm so thankful to have this time to figure out who I am, despite how cheesy that sounds. It's also difficult in a lot of ways, because I have to change to adjust to the culture, and sometimes it's a battle trying to become a Dane while still holding onto who I am. I like who I am, and although I'll change and improve and grow up this year, I still want to hold onto me. And sometimes that's really hard, I'm always thinking "is this something that Alicia would do? Am I still me?" I want to go home an improved person, not a different person. And I can imagine that's a common thing that exchange students have to deal with.

Just wanted to share some deep and cheesy thoughts with you!


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