Sunday, February 17, 2013


So my first host family spontaneously invited me to go skiing with them in Austria last week, which was such a lovely surprise! It was such an amazing opportunity, and even reminded me a little bit of home with the long car ride down (14 hours) and being surrounded by mountains, two things that I've actually really missed since coming to Denmark.

We woke up on Friday and drove down most of the way, taking a ferry to get to Germany, which was a pretty cool cultural experience. We ran onto the ferry, ate a speedy lunch, and then went to look around the ferry shop. It sells candy and drinks and cosmetics that's much cheaper than anything you could find in Denmark, so that was pretty cool. Then we hopped back in the car and drove down to somewhere in southern Germany to stay the night in a motorvej hotel. Then we woke up and drove the remaining four hours down to Wagrain, Austria!

The next day I hopped on the slopes with my host mom. Everyone else we were travelling with has been skiing for their entire lives, so naturally they were out on the black diamonds and off skiing and god knows what else. I've only skiied for like, two or four days in my entire life, so I wasn't that good. I decided to just take it slow and steady, cause the slopes we were on were pretty tough and it was soo icy.

On Wednesday we took a day trip to Salzburg, which was so fantastic. I went there with my mom two summers ago, so it was so fun to be back. I'd have to say it's one of my favorite cities in Europe, besides Copenhagen of course! It was so fun to see all these places I visited with my mom, although it did make me miss her a little. We saw the house Mozart was born in, as well as another Mozart museum, the Salzburg cathedral, and just walked around Salzburg's beautiful shopping area.

Then on Thursday it was back on the slopes. I decided to get a ski teacher for an hour, just to help me get a little better, and it was so helpful! Afterwards I was so much more comfortable skiing and gosh it was just so good. I was a little bummed that it was at the end of the week though, so I only had two days to exercise my newfound ski prodigy skills.

Then on Saturday it was back on the road. Except we decided to drive the whole fourteen hours home in one day, instead of two like we did on the way down. It was such an amazing opportunity, I'm so thankful that my host family invited me to come with them and that I got to experience skiing in the Alps!

Here's some pictures:
Having lunch with my first host mom

I was so happy to see mountains again

The view from my hotel window

Beautiful streets of Salzburg

Mozart museum

The house Mozart was born in

Beautiful streets

 Salzburg Cathedral


 Mozart's violin


 First host family


Giant snowman with my first host mom

And then literally right after getting home from Austria I found out my Rotary club invited me to come to Stockholm with them in May, I love living in Europe so much!

I hope everything is going amazing for everyone back home!


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