Thursday, December 6, 2012

I hate coming up with names for my blog posts

Hey everyone!
Soo my mom said I should write a blog post for once, so here's a written blog post that won't take you 20 minutes to get through like my videos do.

A few weeks ago I thought it would be really great to make a Thanksgiving dinner for my host family, and since my host mom has Thursdays off from work, we were actually able to have in on Thanksgiving. Thankfully, since I'm a terrible cook, my host mom kind of took over the dinner, and made most of the food. I still made the pumpkin pies, mashed potatoes, and stuffing, but she made the turkey, sweet potatoes, salad, mud pie, and probably much much more that I actually can't remember right now. And it was so sweet, I love that she made a Thanksgiving dinner for me, that's actually one of the nicest things that anyone's really done for me, so tak for det Lene! And we had my oldie and host grandparents over and ate a lot and it was just really hyggeligt. I'd put some pictures up but we only got a picture of the table and some awkward selfies so really I won't waste your time.

Then last Monday I went to a Swedish House Mafia Concert in Copenhagen, which was so so fun just omg. I went with a ton of exchange students and we got squeezed to death in the mosh pit so then me and my Australian friend went up to the balcony to watch. Where we so luckily ended up standing next to this really questionable woman, who was dancing like I don't even know she was dancing so weird, and she was using quite a lot of space, and she was not having it when I came and stood next to her. So then I proceeded to be elbowed in the head and stepped on for the next couple hours, but you know what it was worth it so it's okay. The concert was so good, and so fun and just wee! Here's some pictures:

From left to right:
Patrick, Juan, Mimi, Cassidy, Ed, and me!

Danish flag

Then on Friday my host parents took me to the HC Andersen Christmas market in Odense, which was so cozy. Christmas in Denmark is a huge deal, they get really into advent, so it's like a month long holiday. They have advent candles that they light every day, and melt it down to the next number for the next day, advent calendars, advent lottery calendars, advent candles for every Sunday in their homes, not just in church, and advent gifts for every Sunday. There's not even a way to describe why Christmas is so great in Denmark, I tried to send a box home to capture a Danish Christmas for my mom, but I couldn't, because it's really it's just a feeling, kind of like hygge. 

It's also been snowing a ton, which makes it feel so Christmasy! (and cold)

My advent gifts from my first host family.

My first advent gift, an advent lottery calendar and a cute little art project.

My giant Lindt advent calendar, so much nicer than the American ones!

I stayed in Odense Friday night and Saturday so that I could see my friend and tour around Odense. It's where HC Andersen was born, so that's really their main tourist attraction, so we went there and we went shopping a little and it was so nice.

HC Andersen's house, it's under construction right now so it's not that pretty.

Me and Jaidan on HC Andersen's street.

Cute little house

HC Andersen's street

Us in front of HC Andersen's house

Odense is so nestled

A church where some king died or is buried or something

Inside the church

In Denmark they don't decorate their trees until Christmas and wah.

So yeah, that's basically it, I've just been chilling (literally, it's so cold here) and hanging out and enjoying Christmas in Denmark. I hope everything's going well back home and remember that you're not currently living in an arctic tundra ;). (Although really I'm not either).


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