Friday, September 7, 2012


Sorry for my lack of posting the last couple weeks, I've just been so busy! Last week I went up to Bjerringbro in Jutland to go to an Introcamp with 150 other exchange students. Crazy experience, to say the least.

I started off the week with a 4 1/2 hour bus ride with all the other students in my district, district 1470. In these 4 1/2 hours, we proceeded to drive nearly across the country. Across the country! Denmark is so small! It was also nice to finally meet everyone else in my district, because now I have other exchange students to hang out with.

When we got there we found our rooms and then went to the Lecture Hall to go over the schedule for the week. My room had 4 other American girls in it, all of us having to share a bathroom and me having to sleep on the floor. Crowded room but I didn't mind. Going over the schedule, they told us that we'd have 6 hours of Danish lessons a day. Since I had already studied a ton of Danish, the classes were a little boring, but my teacher was attractive enough to make up for what I wasn't learning. Picture Ed Westwick and Chace Crawford combined guys.

There were several different evening experiences throughout the week, including pin trading (there were so many of us, so my blazer is now basically covered!) rock climbing, a concert by a Danish band who was quite good (and very attractive), going into town to spend all our money on candy, and a very depressing movie night highlighting a historical drama about a Danish Nazi resistance group that was executed during WWII.
Cassidy, Hailey, Mick and me wearing our blazers.

My blazer

Why yes I did organize my pins into a map of the world.

Why hello there.

One of the more awkward pictures from my year so far.

Everyone in Nick's room aka the party room.

The 5110 kids stocking up on candy!

We all hung our flags in the windows to show our somewhat overbearing national pride.

At the end of the week we took a day trip to Aarhus, the 2nd biggest city in Denmark. We started off the day with a tour of Aros, a very snazzy modern art museum. At the top there's this giant rainbow walkway with fantastic views of the city. Seeing as there were so many of us, the tours all ended at different times, so it was difficult to find each other to go frolic through the city afterwards. Or so I thought, seeing as everyone went straight to H&M aka the exchange student store, and we all just found each other there.
The rainbow walkway lets you take such amazing pictures of Aarhus.

Me and Hailey at the top of the museum.

My lunch.

The rainbow walkway from the outside.

On our last day, Saturday, all the classes had to do a skit. Our class decided to represent the different cultures in our class, so the Indian girl sang twinkle twinkle little star in a sassy Hindi accent, while the South Americans did one of their many dances, the Americans dressed up like rednecks and sang Big Green Tractor, and the Canadian (joined by 3 Americans including me) said some very interesting Canadian pick up lines (The cleanest of the jokes being, "If you were a maple tree I'd tap that"). The entire talent show was just a crazy experience, with many of the guys wearing bras and dancing to assorted pop songs such as Gangnam style, the new exchange student song.

After the talent show, we had a disco of sorts, which the South Americans completely took over. It was just Latin music and crazy dances, it seems like every single Latin song has a dance that goes along with it, so I spent the night attempting to copy the girls next to me. But honestly I cannot move my hips like a Latina, it's complicated alright. I literally felt like I had been transported to South America, a cultural experience to say the least.

Well this post has gotten pretty long, so I think I'll make another post soon about everything else I've been up to the past couple of weeks.

Thanks for reading!

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